Flowering Cane ready to be harvested
Sugar cane lines the dirt road leading to the Neisson distillery.
B 80.08 Canne Zikak Barbados 1980, 8th hybrid of this cane variety.
Canne Rouge B 64.277 Barbados 1964 277th hybrid.
Canne Roseau Barbados 1959.
Canne Caimite Barbados 1980, 689th hybrid
Canne Merise, some cane on Martinique came from Reunion
Barbados 1951 129th hybrid is commonly known as Canne Vanille.
Canne Crystaline is considered the original sugar cane on Martinique.
Canne Rouge Barbados 1964 277th hybrid
Cane cutter at Neisson, notice the protective clothes, gloves and leather boots.
After being harvested, sugar cane grows from the roots left in the ground.
Cane cut by hand, notice how clean the stalks are.
There is no free run cane juice.
Crushing fresh cane on YouTube.
Neisson steam engine starting for a day's work.
La Favorite steam engine.
St James steam turbinee.